Our Projects

Collaboration with project 777 (Ghana)

Ama Kyei teaching kids from project 777 in Accra, Ghana in February 2022. This collaboration with project 777 is a part of a reseach work DanceOranges is doing prior to opening our own space. 

Collaboration with ONG Tamaee (Benin)

Ama Kyei held danceclasses for ONG Tamaee

in Cotonou, Benin in October 2022. The theme of the classes was dancing nature. ONG Tamaee has created this serene location in the middle of the city where children and youth get to come and learn about sustainable living and nature.  

DanceOranges Community center

We are looking to build a sustaianble community center in Obosomase (Ghana) where we offer dance classes for children/ youth and women, and in future various workshops for women that support their journeys in  pregnancy, labor and postpartum.